who we are.
We are a community of women of diverse backgrounds and walks of life, connected and committed to a global cause of inspiring women in their calling, knowing your gifts and thriving in your area for God's glory. We are excited to connect with you and discover how we can flow with you in your community!
About Us
We are women passionate to help each other experience a personal relationship with the one true living God. We believe God wants us to connect, unite and encourage each other with the gifts God’s placed within each other.
We link our faith in prayer, seeking God to move on one another's behalf, His special touch to forever change the course of one's life. We set an atmosphere of worship to allow God’s presence to overflow to all around them.

Who we Are
No matter what your background has been, we look towards who God has called you out to be through the use of the giftings within each woman. We do not compete with one another; instead, we elevate what we discover within one another and how each person's success propels all of us to flourish in our realm of influence for God's glory.
We are women of all ages and backgrounds who have experienced an encounter with the living God who has inspired us to discover and walk out our destines as we tap in to the talents God has given to each of us. We want to help others to join this marvelous journey!
Our Vision
Reach every woman (young to old), in every community, in every denomination and in every nation with hope and inspiration from God's word and ignite the fire in pursuit of their dreams they're destined to live.
We can make a difference through prayer, encouragement, hearing and following God's leading. Our world changes through prayer and united hearts!

What we Do
We love to pray. We prepare our hearts to be used as willing vessels by the Holy Spirit to encourage and confirm what the Lord's leading for your life. We are available to pray for your needs and even arrange for you to come to a Prayer Team Meeting to receive words of encouragement. We provide a safe environment to receive prayer and affirmation of God's Word working in your life.
Our goal is to allow the Holy Spirit to lead prayer teams with words of confirmation and exhortation that can uplift and encourage one in their calling through the gifts God has placed within each of us.
Community Gatherings
We are a diverse group of women that look beyond race, ethnicity, culture or religion with hearts united through Jesus Christ. We build Prayer Teams that encompass strategic prayer, learn the processes of prayer, encouragement and support along with discovering each women's gifts and their potential to fulfill their God-given purpose in life.
You may be interested in attending one of our Gatherings to hear an inspiring word, to receive prayer or join one of our Prayer Teams...or perhaps you want to start your own team in your own community. We are available to help you get set up and train you and your team. We are a community that wants to come together to help each woman to thrive in the place God has called them, utilizing the God-given gifts.

Core Beliefs
The foundation of this ministry is strictly based on extensive research in the Scriptures and the leading of the Holy Spirit to receive instruction on prayer.
We believe the Bible is the infallible, authoritative Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
We believe there is one God, eternally existing in three persons: God the Father, Jesus the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
We believe Jesus is the Christ, born of the Virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life, yet crucified on the cross, died, was buried, then resurrected.He ascended to the Father in heaven. We believe He will come again and take Christians with Him to heaven.
We believe in the forgiveness of all sins.
We believe salvation is available to every person and is necessary in order to be born into the family of God to enter heaven. It is freely given by God’s grace, received by faith, and cannot be earned.
We believe that a person becomes a Christian by confessing with their mouth the Lordship of Jesus and by believing in their heart that He paid the price for their sins on the cross and was raised from the dead.
We believe in the Holy Spirit and that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are available to all believers today.
We believe that physical healing is part of the atonement and is available to all believers.
We believe we are to pray for one another.
We believe God is present when we come together to pray.

Connect with Us
We are a community of women of diverse backgrounds and walks of life, connected and committed to a global cause of inspiring women in their calling, knowing your gifts and thriving in your area for God's glory. We are excited to connect with you and discover how we can flow with you in your community!
7122 S Sheridan Road Suite 224
Tulsa, OK 74133