See that photo of a 11.25 lb. box of Cascade dishwasher detergent?? It lasted over 3-and-a-half-years, more than 40 MONTHS actually. I bought it when I moved into an apartment a few weeks after celebrating my 43rd birthday. Suddenly on my own after over a decade of not being solo.

At the time I was terrified, isolated, alone, unemployed, weary from fighting and deflecting shame, battling illness and disease, and dealing with the hard facts of life as I finally took the steps to remove myself from a 12-year toxic relationship. I had such a struggle with people's judgement regarding Christian marriage and Biblical reasons for divorce, that I remained far too long in a situation that was destroying me inside and out. God's love reached through the darkness and constantly reminded me that Christ bore all my shame on the cross along with every sin. When I finally believed the shame wouldn't kill me but staying might, I left for good.
As I set up temporary living in an apartment, I was being tormented by the deepest heart desire to be free to walk in my God-designed purpose in every area of life. I longed to be a wife and mother, but with the end of my marriage and no birth-children yet, I was also grappling with grief that I might never be a birth-mother. I knew I could adopt or foster, but this was the first time in my life that I experienced doubt in this area. I'd always visualized being a wife and mother and having a loving family with a husband who would model God as he loved, cared and provided for us. I'd never really thought that I might not experience birthing a child of my own. I'd never pictured myself divorced and without a family to share life with each day.
I'll admit it freely...that was especially difficult to accept. My heart always believed I would be a mother and I long had dreamed of having five children. It was more than a dream to me because I'd never doubted its possibility. As I grieved, God also walked me through the healing process of forgiving myself. My days were filled with lessons on the way to be joyful and grateful for all that my life included rather than regretting choices and their results.
Why Cascade dishwasher detergent? God used it to remind me that I was to be strong and

courageous, trusting in my God that I would not be dismayed. You have no idea how much this silly box of detergent has ministered to my wounded soul and broken heart. Every time I see it, there is healing and hope that rises up in my heart.
To me, it has been just like the miracle of Elijah telling the widow to use her last bit of meal and oil to first make him a cake and that she can trust God to provide for her household through the drought and famine years.
It is like the shoes of the Israelites while wandering 40-years in the desert...which never wore out by God's miraculous provision.
One of many practical ways God whispers His love and instills hope of His promises to my heart!! I am eternally grateful that He is in the daily practical things in such beautiful ways!! He cares for us so sweetly!
I believe He carefully planned and gave me the delight of experiencing an answered prayer that had simply been a heart wish, at virtually the same time that the miraculous Cascade gave me its final load of clean dishes!
Talk about timing...He really is the Master of it! A set of white wicker furniture is the particular answer to prayer, which He gave me…FREE OF CHARGE. See I had previously made a decision based on need versus budget to stop looking at the ads for lounge and sunroom furniture, telling myself "one day...someday".

The day I received the email offering me the 3-peice set of white wicker furniture for free, it was like God whispering, “Don’t fear, my darling girl, I can deliver the miracles in things you want as well as things you need!”
God is so good!!! He is so good to me!!!
So, color me clean...and grateful…and relaxed on yet another sign of the faithfulness of the One who loved me first!!
How could I not love the One who cares so well for me? The One who bore sin and shame in my place, and gave me the gift of life and forgiveness!? How could I ever turn away or quit on serving Him with my life?
His love ❤️ is AMAZING, my Friends. So very amazing for YOU and for me!!