There's a struggle in the times of surrender and brokenness, wondering where is God, what is He doing? And yet those have been powerful times of beautiful encounters with the Lord where He just shows up in a way that you won’t forget. Listen to Sam Mow testify of the benefits of surrendering and sacrificing as she trusts God.
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The sacrifice and the surrender of worship and the lifestyle of sacrifice and surrender.
“We struggle in the times of surrender and brokenness, to wonder where is God, what is He doing? And those have been the times to where I have had the most beautiful encounters with the Lord where He just shows up in a way that you don’t forget. Circumstances may not have changed but the presence of God changes something on the inside, all of a sudden there is a grace and a peace that rises up and there is that moment that you know that it’s just you and God right there.”
It’s Father God picking up His children when He hears the heart cry of worship and especially in those broken times when He hears the heart cries of His children.
“God tests the heart to see what's in the heart and what it looks like with humility, surrender, and the willingness to do whatever He asks you to do.”
Jesus spoke and the Holy Spirit drew people in, as people came they felt the presence of God, the healings happened, the encounters happened, Jesus was moved by compassion. Jesus would have to go into solitude and get with God the Father to get filled back up before going back out to see the people.
We need to abandon our thought process and trust Him for the blind viewpoint of what is going to happen.
Anyone can come to God
We all matter
We are all His children
No matter what your past or present looks like. He is still beckoning, He’s still calling, there is still a calling for you.
We all have gifts and we have callings. Sam’s gift is to sing, thus she is a worship leader at her church, but her calling is to reach people.
How do you enter into the presence of the Lord?
Sam: in worship, anywhere, as soon as you open your mouth and start singing, you invite the Lord in and His presence is there!
Jesus said “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind!”
Matthew 22:37 NET
See the worship
Sense the worship
Close eyes and engage in worship
Raise hands to surrender during worship
Don’t be distracted
Sometimes we get bad news and we don’t know what to do or how to respond and so we worship. We know God is a good God and we know that He is worthy of our worship. He will minister to us with peace, strength, and words of encouragement.
God will bring you through the mountain tops and the valleys, it’s only a season.
"When worshiping in the valleys, begin to worship God for who He is instead of worshiping the valley. Acknowledge your emotions in the valley but then worship God."
One on One Ministry - moved with compassion for others, then moved to pray with them. Ask God to teach you to:
1. slow down
2. recognize the people around you that are hurting
3. to be God’s light and feet on this earth
4. Acknowledge their pain where they are right now, then ask if you can introduce them to Jesus.
“These moments of lack in my life are opportunities for Jesus to multiply. There is a moment of dependency upon the Lord, and there is a moment where God can be seen Faithful.”
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 1:17 NIV
“God, I don’t even want to dream up what you have for me next but I am yours. Keep me in this place where at a moments notice I will do what you ask me to do because I know that is the best life, I will live my best life being surrendered to you God. My heart will be light, it might be hard and stressful but God will be with me and there is peace.”