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Confidence in God to Beat an Eating Disorder

Writer: iRefresh TeamiRefresh Team

Maggie Bond shares her story with Patty Gerstenberger and Carrie Kittinger of how she found confidence in God through a battle with an eating disorder. Her genuine faith, positivity, and passion for mentoring are inspiring!

Podcast Episode

Show Notes

  • Eating disorder

  • Pageant contestant

  • Quadruplets - her and 3 brothers

  • Didn't feel like she fit in being a tomboy

  • Hide the pain

  • Body dysmorphia disorder

"We can't solve issues when we aren't aware of them."
  • Didn't realize she had a eating disorder until she had an injury

  • Got women mentors to help her and lead her to resources for help.

"Our pain has purpose."


Additional Resources

Click on the image for scriptures and prayers for finding lasting joy and healing.


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