Elana Van Deventer
Neurocycle Facilitator, Speaker, Author
Elana's story of a childhood brain injury that pushed her to a dangerous world of thinking that she was 'not enough', not worthy or capable, God guided her to His truth of her purpose and identity that transformed her life to where she is helping others out of experiences. Hear what is possible with the HOPE of Elana's story!
Show Notes
Her Story:
Brain injury at a young age - labeled "Broken Brain" is the one who NOW helps others with their brain, their thoughts
Always struggled in school
Never felt like she was enough
Wasn't capable
Never felt deserving
Had a eating disorder because she was told that she wasn't smart but she was pretty.
Moving from South Africa to Canada in a small community, Elana lost her purpose and went through a dark place. She needed not ONLY someone to PRAY for her but to also LISTEN to her in this tough season.
Wanted to be HEARD, SEEN and SAFE.
When someone asks you for prayer, PAUSE.
Research on "Installment of Hope"
When we are depressed, heads always go down. When those who don't follow through with suicidal thoughts, there's something that happens to some that when they raise their heads during their thoughts
Who tells you that you aren't enough? The Enemy
"If I have to summarize my own journey in one sentence it would be someone that flatlined in their own life, to God really revived my heart from the inside out and revived my mind from the inside out."
When she moved from Africa to Canada she lost her purpose, her identity.
She felt worthless and stuck.
Elana blamed her husband and then herself to where she was ready to end her life.
"When I reached out in a way that I could, it was always like, "I'll pray for you" and what I actually wanted is not someone to just say they will pray for me but someone to listen to me."
Elana wanted to be heard, to be seen, and to feel safe.
When feeling depressed people typically have their heads down but when they lift their heads for a moment, that's HOPE.
Installment of Hope
Choosing daily to be with the Lord
Choose daily to show up, to take a step forward!
Taking thoughts captive. See where they came from, yield it, deconstruct them.
Our thoughts create our emotions, emotions create our behaviors, affirming our original thoughts.
Learn about the POWER of the PAUSE with Lana and extend GRACE.
Renewing Our Minds
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Proverbs 4:23 NIV
Out of her overcoming, she created the "THRIVE" "REVIVE" curriculum to help others like what she had needed. It became a beautiful time to help people including prophetic words.
Create quiet moments to allow God to guide her.
Need to choose to rely on God through the process of overcoming depression.
Certified with Dr. Caroline Leaf to help retrain our brains.

How to connect with Elana Van Deventer:
** Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elanavdeventer/
Elana is so encouraging to know there’s hope from despair. .