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God Image vs. Self Image

Writer's picture: iRefresh TeamiRefresh Team

In this episode, Anjanette and Brenda address one of the most common topics in today's culture, Identity. While the world says to look INWARD, they instead contend that we are called to look UPWARD. Listen in and see how you can apply this principle into your own life today!


Show Notes

Know your identity

Know your self image

Know your God image

4 Tiers of Identifying Your Identity

Outer tier - How others see you

Second tier - The image we project to others

Third tier - Self image

Inner tier - God image

Some people will stay in the Outer tier and the second tier.

They are concerned how others will see them and they want to make sure that they look great, that their family looks good, that nothing is out of place.

It’s ok to have a good self image and self esteem but God wants us to have a God image of who we truly are in Christ.

That will override our self image and from focusing on ourselves to finding who we really are.

“Think about what you’re thinking about. Do your thoughts or do the words out of your mouth line up with the Word of God? You can’t know that you are listening to lies if you first don’t know the truth. So you have to be in the Word every day finding out what the Word of God says about you!”

How to identify lies and move into truths…

Anjanette will take scripture and put it into first person like in 2 Timothy 3:16-17

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work

Any scripture that is a promise that God has, you can put it in 1st person and speak that over yourself.

“For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:30 NIV

There can be a lot of heaviness when in the SELF image tier. You try to do more, perform more, hustle more. It can be a place of responsibility that can be very heavy.

There is no peace outside of God’s word.

The Word is healing.

Allow God to show you who you are.

There is healing in the Word.



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