Friends may come and go through seasons of life. Sometimes we discover those genuine friends through difficult times. It has it challenges as we are like iron sharpening iron and yet Carrie Kittinger, Patty Gerstenberger and Dee Helsee have learned the value in strong, godly friendships that are life giving, speak loving words of truth to cause each one to be better. May you be inspired to re-evaluate your friendships and how you can speak love and life to your friends.
Know your friends heart and not allow the enemy in.
Trust friends enough that you can share your feelings.
Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.
Proverbs 27:6 ESV
"You both are women of truth and your truth sharpens me. To see your walk with the Lord, how you parent your children, how you do friendship is a beautiful example and has encouraged me." -Dee
There is pressures with having a "best friend"
Let God be your best friend and just enjoy your friendships with others.
Not only do we need friends but we need to be needed.
Have life giving friends that help encourage you.
Ask the Lord to bring the friend you need into your life.