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Reclaiming Purpose After Hardship

Writer: iRefresh TeamiRefresh Team

Have you ever felt purposeless after tragedy or failure? Have you ever felt like you have messed up too much to be used by God? In this podcast, Angie, Jackie & Debbie address those questions as they talk through their own personal testimonies. See how God reminded Angie and Jackie of their purpose in Him and the power of His Grace.


Show Notes

Jackie accepted Christ as a child and always went to church as a young age.

Jackie found herself in a divorce and had an honest conversation with God saying she's made a mess of things but she’s giving God the opportunity to direct her life. It was trusting Him and taking a deeper dive into her relationship with Him, finding who she is in Him.

Give God the right to direct your life, and as you trust him along the way, you’ll find he pulled it off perfectly!

Psalms 37:5 TPT

Angie got saved at the age of 8 years old.

Her parents divorced when she was 15.

She took a year and told God that she wanted her space. She was hurt and upset.

At 16 she was having nightmares and she told God to prove himself to her, that he loves her and cares for her.

“I've struggled with low self-esteem since I was 10, I wouldn’t go anywhere without makeup, and I really just had a low opinion of myself because my mom did. When I told the Lord to prove himself to me, there was healing and peace that came in my room, the nightmares stopped, and the depression lifted. I felt peace for the first time and once I experienced that I didn’t want that to go.” - Angie

God will…




So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.

Colossians 2:10 NLT

“When Jesus came in and touched my heart in such a powerful way, I wanted to know that Jesus, not someone that I felt like I had to impress all the time and win over but someone who’s fighting for me when I have my back turned.” - Angie

The enemy is always after your heart JUST AS MUCH as God is!

The enemy is aggressive and patient.

You have to FIGHT to protect your peace!

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

John 10:10 NIV

Take inventory on what you are thinking on. What are you allowing that is stealing your peace? Is it something you are watching on TV, the music you are listening too, is it people and wrong influences in your life?

“I struggled with depression on and off for years. I asked God why I had a hard time and He said because I wasn’t consistent with staying in His Word and making it a priority. When I slacked off the depression increased, when I stayed in the Word it would lessen or it would disappear. I realized if I want to keep my peace I have to daily put in what it takes to keep it and that is His Word, which is MY WEAPON to fight against that and take authority over those thoughts.” -Angie

We can get caught up on our failures and past mistakes to where we think that we don't have a purpose anymore.

God still sees you as worthy and loved and hasn’t disqualified you!

“God always saw every mistake I’d make, He already knows every flaw I’d have, and He still chose me to be in Him.” - Jackie

God has a divine plan specifically for you!

It may be a desire that continues to come up in your heart and is a strong desire that keeps surfacing over and over.

Be lead by the spirit of God

God will..

Guide you

Counsel you

Be our advocate

Be your standby

Be your strengthener

BUT it’s still your choice to yield to Him

"God has forgiven you and you need to forgive yourself!" -Jackie

We all make mistakes so give yourself grace

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.

Ephesians 3:20 NIV


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