Sarah is an articulate speaker when you experience her teaching God's Word. She is an author of several books and Bible studies that are filled with foundational teachings to steer one's life in more fully understanding God's Word, His promises and living a fulfilling life in Jesus Christ. Sarah had a passion to love people and especially children at a very young age. As a result of her calling, she is determined to help people identify their purpose and have an authentic relationship with God. She has had many hats within the church in serving all ages for over 20 years. She has co-launched a church as well as networking and working in missions work in multiple ways.

Sarah Wehrli is the Executive Director of Inspire International. She has done ministry in over 45 countries and doesn't appear to be slowing done to reach the lives of people with the message of hope in Jesus Christ. She is married to Caleb and they have 3 children: Isaac, Elizabeth and Emma.
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