When you think about the word contending, you may not understand that it is a positive thing as a Christian. In order to finish the race, we must take action. Contending for the faith isn’t enjoyable, but you engage in it because of your passionate beliefs as you realize they are worth the fight. God will help you prepare to contend, as you seek His Word and pray in faith.

How can you contend then for what you believe God has for you to do? Here's Scriptures followed by personalized prayers to fight through with God's Word on your behalf.
Verse #1 - Invite the Lord to contend with you.
(S) “Contend, Lord, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me.”
Psalms 35:1 NIV
(P) God, I am in a battle and I feel alone. Your Word says that you will fight with those who fight against me. I believe that you will not leave ___ in this battle alone. I ask you to fight on my behalf.
Verse #2 - Declare God's presence with you
(S) “Awake, and rise to my defense! Contend for me, my God and Lord.”
Psalms 35:23 NIV
(P) Jesus, You are my/___’s defender. You are not asleep, even though You are silent. Help ___ see You working on ___’s behalf. I am looking to You, knowing You are contending for ___.
Verse #3 - Declare God's Word over Your Circumstances
(S) “For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.”
Hebrews 4:12
(P) Today I will read your word, meditate on it and believe it. It brings live to me and cuts through to the areas of my life that need your touch. You know my heart and thoughts God. I ask that you have Your way in ___’s life so Your power will be fully released in my life.

Verse #4 - Recognizing What God is Doing in the Midst
(S) “…He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured.”
Colossians 4:12 NIV
(P) Jesus, help ___ to stand firm in your will, fully assured in you and your promises. I know that You sit on the right hand of the Father and constantly intercede on my behalf. Thank you that I can set my faith in agreement by the Holy Spirit.
Verse #5 - Prayer
(S) “May we never tire of doing what is good and right before our Lord because in His season we shall bring in a great harvest if we can just persist.”
Galatians 6:9 Voice
(P) Persistence is not always easy for me. Help me to press through even in my tiredness. When I am weary and want to give up, breathe life into me so that I can press through and see the harvest.
Verse #6 - New Name... Your Identity
(S) “You will no longer go by the name Jacob. From now on, your name will be Israel because you have wrestled with God and humanity, and you have prevailed.”
Genesis 32:28 Voice
(P) God, if Jacob had to wrestle with you, help me to not to think that things will be so easy for me. He was willing to hang on until he got the answer he was looking for. I need strength to hang on to the promises you have given me. I need strength to not let go of you in the midst of this trial. I choose to grab hold of you and your word and not let go. I know you will help me to prevail, just like Jacob.
Verse #7 - Proclaim God's Character
(S) “This is the last thing I want to say: Be strong with the Lord’s strength. 11 Put on the things God gives you to fight with. Then you will not fall into the traps of the devil.”
Ephesians 6:10-11
(P) To fight this battle, I must be equipped. You have provided your armor, according to Ephesians 6:10-18. I put on the helmet of salvation, the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit. Now I will fight the good fight and see your salvation in this situation.
Verse #8 - Prayer
(S) “God also bound himself with an oath, so that those who received the promise could be perfectly sure that he would never change his mind.”
Hebrews 6:17
(P) Thank you, God, that I can stand assured that you are the same yesterday, today and forever. You are faithful and will not change your opinion or your will for me or my family. My life is in your hands, and I can trust that you know what needs to happen next and will see it through to the end.
Your Feedback
What are you contending? What Scripture are you standing on to walk it out? We invite you to leave a comment below or Scripture others can use to pray through.