Discover what The Demand Project is doing to fight against sex trafficking. Learn what each of us can do, no matter where you are, we all can be a part of making an impact to rescue the children through prayer to begin.
Show Notes

Kristin, her husband, & their 2 little kids lived in Colorado before moving to Oklahoma.
Kristin and her husband were called by God to come to Oklahoma and start The Demand Project.
None of Kristin's family were believers
They wanted to get involved with helping the children in sex trafficking
“We started to go forward and figure out what this was, human trafficking, and how we could do something. And the Lord downloaded in to us what was going on, what our part was that we were called and anointed to be such a mouth piece for kids that didn’t have a voice. Start to get people to understand that it is happening RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, not just in the world, or in the nation or in the state or in the town, like in your own backyard.”
They went to the political people...Mayor, Police Chief, Sheriff
Did a press release to declare war against the predator's hurting kids
2013 is when The Demand Project started
They fight sex trafficking with Prevention, Protection, Recovery, & Restoration
“If someone’s not helping, they must be part of the problem…." People misunderstand what it is and why it affects everyone. It's a platform for finances and power. Power play.
Everyone is a part of the solution if you're helping
Do what God calls you to do
"Children themselves becoming biggest producers, developers, & distributors of child pornography"
Teenagers/College kids are now taking pictures of themselves and selling them for cash.
What once was a PRESSURE to provide pictures later became a POWER.
"Physically brought them out but there is nothing else that is out yet. So you got this wounded, traumatized person that has been trained, lured, groomed; and may love the person they were doing it for and we come in as heroes and we are not looked at as heroes."
Pray/Communicate with God all the time
You need to know God's voice
Need to have God's wisdom and clarity on how God is leading you.
“I think of prayer not as being something that we do, but the daily relationship that we have.”
Helping at The Demand Project is not for the faint of heart.
Kids need to feel safe
“It’s hard cause their walls are up for a very good reason. And our part is to be safe. And that it’s the first bedroom they may ever have where they can sleep through the night and know that nobody is going to come in and hurt them."
What are the aspects of what people can do:
PRAY - pray for protection of the team; pray for the protection of the kids that are being exploited; pray for predators that are exploiting the kids. God IS LOVE. Command to love… just not what they’ve done to twist who they could have been. Pray for predators who buy kids and those that sell kids. Pray for restoration of the kids
PREVENTION - get The Demand Project in your school to do an assembly in your kids’ schools. Be a part of an Aware Workshop - teach parents/guardians how to keep kids safe online.
Empower Assembly - a dramatization on how to be lured & groomed online or in person. Buyers are online, sellers are in reality so they will collide. Teach how to defend themselves as kids.
PROTECTION - for legal area, restorative justice for clients. Train. Once recovered kids, often a lot of cases against them when trained to be out to be the criminal element and be a product. Intense.
RECOVERY - people with a background in private investigation, military, law enforcement, child advocacy.
RESTORATION - 2017 a man gave 54 acres of land and 9 buildings for a campus; it's the largest capacity wise to take minor girls 11-17 and do a restoration program. It opened August 2020 and is a BIG MISSION FIELD. We’re looking for missionary-minded people - house guardians, mentors, life-skill trainers, tutors, & teachers.