iRefresh hostess Michelle talks with friend, Visa as she describes how to overcome fear, walk in boldness and discover your beauty.
Show Notes

Issues with friends and school exam she felt weak which open doors for the enemy to come in and lie to her.
As a believer she knew Gods word but the enemy still got to her and she started to believe his lies.
She made sure she had no distractions of friends or social media and she prayed for 10 days.
"If we are pursuing Him, if we are standing near his heart, He is not going to let us make the wrong decision."
She believed the enemy saying she is ugly instead of believing God when he's telling her she is beautiful.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
Psalms 139:14 ESV
Additional Resources
Click the image for scriptures and prayer about being weary and how to be close to God.