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What do you see?

Writer: iRefresh TeamiRefresh Team

A test of our faith challenged …

It’s in the preparation God takes us through to gain our focus and belief that He is the God of the impossible. No matter what we are faced with, God can do and perform anything – we simply need to place our faith and trust in Him.

VIDEO that goes with the accompany notes...


John 6:1-15; Matthew 14:13-23; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17


Back Story that leads to the feeding of the 5,000

  • During the time immediately after John the Baptist was beheaded. King Herod was inquiring about Jesus afterwards so He (Matt 14:2, 13) went away to a private place.

  • We need to get away to a private place to hear from the Lord and receive clarity, refreshment and direction for our lives.

  • Time of Passover. Passover was the time of remembrance for the Israelites of the departure out of Egypt and entering in to the desert.

  • First concern the Israelites had was food and water. Exodus 15:22-16:3 Similar here with the disciples wanting to send off the crowds to eat and not have to deal with their physical needs + they were bone tired!

  • Scene: disciples were just returning from their ministry tour, tired, reporting the results of their work; Jesus was wanting to take them away to gather and rest. (Mk 6:31)

  • Time of refreshment for He and His disciples

What we Can Learn:

  • Our view leads to how we move forward. And yet God is wanting our attention to steer us to what He has for us.

  • Fear/anxiety – avoidance, detours vs. faith, trust – expectations of God

  • God is moving on our behalf, even when we may not see the physical evidence.

  • His Provision is always on time.

  • Jesus took the opportunity with His disciples to create a teachable moment.

  • Why not send people off to eat and regather?

We get to face the impossible to see our God of Possible, He grabs our attention!

God Positions us for to see His Wonders

What may seem insignificant to you can be the means God uses to showcase His favor over you.

  • Philip – THE TEST: Where to buy bread?

  • He tried to reason, figure out on own abilities

  • “buy” Greek from , describes a marketplace where they could purchase the food. Strange Jesus asks when on top of a remote mountain where no market in site.

  • God positions the impossibilities to showcase His abilities

  • Andrew – God connection with (6:9) meeting a young boy. He SAW, yet still limited God, disqualifying what he saw.

  • When Jesus ‘’ the great company (Jn 6:5), Greek , in our words, . It means to Jesus looked at the crowd, seeing the entire scene, analyzing the size of crowd and determining what to do next.

  • “Great company” Greek , same words used when massive number of soldiers came to arrest Jesus .

  • Jesus positions the crowd for the miracle (v 9) to

  • Greek word , implies reclined; on the slopes of the mountainside

  • Jesus shows His reason for the question – the ‘prove’ or ‘test’ the disciple’s faith. (John 6:6)

  • Greek , means to put to the test, to test in order to prove or test to expose the truth about the quality of a substance.

  • Example: used to purify through fires metal is placed in. Metal may look strong, but when strategically placed in regulated heat, the impurities come to the surface, then scrapped off, only for more fire to purify, and strengthen the metal to be at its strongest, purest, best form of metal.

  • Jesus was about to expose to Philip his faith in Him. Although they had seen many miracles, healings, deliverances and done some themselves, this was a deeper place.

  • Philip choose to figure out a solution on his own effort, not rely on Jesus. The challenge showed his deficiency to look to God first; instead to look at his own resources first. It showed the weakness in his faith that needed the “proving”, the “refining” to ultimately come out stronger, better, purer.

Jesus establishes a pattern for us to follow


1. Picked up bread (what do you have?)

  • Barley = the grain of the poor

  • God choose the least, the lowest in order to make the miracle of provision possible

  • God confides the wise.

  • God blesses from the lowest of state to showcase His abilities

  • The provision of bread was a reminder to the Israelites of God’s provision of manna in the wilderness Exodus 16

2. Thanked God

3. Passed it to everyone

4. Repeat… the ritual

Watch for Him… MIRACLE! BAM!

  • Disciples… lesson continues…

  • (v12) gather leftovers, no waste, enough for each disciple to have own basket to personally God’s provision.

  • Look in the basket. What do you see? Fragments of bread…

What do you have?

Examples from the Bible and Life Today

  1. Moses – staff (shepherd) Ex 4:1-2 What do you have in your hand? Turned in to a snake; Ex 17:5-6 staff used to strike rock to bring provision of water

  2. Elisha and prophet’s widow with containers for olive oil 2 Kings 4

  3. Aaron Ex 4:14-16 spokesperson, “mouth” for God to the people

  4. Joseph – interpreter of dreams – used to bring out of prison

  5. Disciples – located boys’ food (Andrew)

  6. Personal Story – Daniel (son’s) injury was diagnosed for rest multiple times with bone and ligament breaks and strains along with (bone in his knee died). After last group of issues, doctors recommended he change sports… but God. Connections, extra year waiting, but finding a doctor to diagnose him to have a simple, common athletic issue in his elbow to easily be fixed and back out throwing baseballs. Now playing college baseball with God’s strength, for His glory.

  7. Personal story – Tim (husband) with provision of resources at company, TAASCForce, when ran out of money at the beginning. It was at the moment of nothing else but God, he heard God tell him to “WATCH FOR ME”. He trusted God and watched slowly the software he programmed for 2 years began to sell and eventually employed 450 + before selling to his rival, Intuit. God always guided and provided.

What do you See Currently?

  • Hope, see potential of what’s ahead

  • Hard, difficult times, overwhelmed, exhausted

  • Let God redirect you to see through His vision. See what He has for you and watch Him multiple after you give what’s in your hands.

  • NEVER GIVE UP on what God has put within you – the dream, the vision within. Stir it up and call on Him for His timing and that He makes a way for what He calls you to!

  • Press in and through the challenges, the disappointment and realize that it’s worth the journey when we go through to the other side and look back, seeing all God did in us and around us when it was difficult.


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