As women, we all may struggle with our self-image and believe the lies and self doubt about ourselves... that's what the enemy wants us to believe. The Lord, however, declares over our lives that we are righteous and complete in Him! Brenda talks about God's truth that sets us free from those lies and how we need to walk in the identity of Who We Are in Christ!

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The enemy doesn’t have any new tricks as time has gone on.
Genesis 3:1 The enemy is having Eve doubt God’s promises.
Now the serpent was more shrewd than any of the wild animals that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, "Is it really true that God said, 'You must not eat from any tree of the orchard'?"
Genesis 3:1 NET
Women struggle with identity.
It can be anyone from middle school age, to someone in their 50’s, to someone even in their 80’s.
It can be root issues from when we were young girls.
#1 wish of 7 year old girls is to be thinner!
“The longer you walk in the lie the more normal it is to you. The roots get deeper and so it’s harder sometimes to pull those roots out and get free.”
In adulthood life may not be like you thought it'd be.
We may not live the dreams like we thought we would.
Stop believing the lies.
“The darkness is getting darker and it should force a separation that the lightness is going to get lighter. We can’t commingle anymore. There does need to be a difference in how women of God live, act, and behave.”
How can we be more authentic? We need to practice it. We need to be proactive.
Are you telling the truth about yourself? What do you actually believe about yourself?
If you are putting yourself down, the power of your words don't just affect you but also your kids.
“It is time to walk in my identity of who I am in Christ. Because as long as the enemy can keep me in doubt and disbelief and questioning myself and feeling insecure, he can keep me out of purpose, he can keep me out of the assignments that God has for me and the anointing that God has for me to walk in.”
All behavior is purposeful even if you don’t understand it.
What are the thoughts attached to that insecure feeling?
Identify the lies and replace them with the truth. The truth of God sets us free!
“It’s challenging that women of God struggle so much more so than maybe people of the world at times with our identity. We are a threat and the enemy knows it. We have what he wants. So if he can get us to not believe that or not see it and walk in awareness of who we are in Christ then he has won.”
God's Truths apply to everyone even to non believers.
We need to shake off the lies and the doubts.
Write out declarations...say it out loud, pray it, declare it!
“I am not ever going to turn away from my salvation but I certainly can feel defeated, worn down, exhausted, believing lies, overcoming depression where I am not active in the game, I am on the sidelines. That's really what the enemy wants to do is put us over there so we aren’t a threat.”