prayer teams.
We long for each woman to be an integral part of a group of united women for Jesus Christ. One that always connects you should you need prayer support at any given moment. It is our goal to provide you training and resources to create your own Prayer Team in your community or church. We compliment Christian organizations and churches with our goal of encouraging prayer and tapping into one anothers gifts to flourish right where you are.
Prayer Teams
Our world changes through prayer and united hearts. We can make a difference through prayer, encouragement, hearing, and following God's leading.
As Jesus intercedes on our behalf, how much more should we pray for one another? We don't need to go through life alone.

Teams meet to pray, connect and grow in the Word of God together. Email us to learn time and locations if you would like personalized prayer in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area. We will connect you with one of our teams.
Scheduled according to group's availability and stream-lined to meet the specific group needs.
Coordinated by individual teams on a monthly or bi-monthly schedule to provide Bible-based inspired teaching and receive prayer from our Prayer Teams.
Why the need for prayer teams?
Our world changes for the better through prayer and united hearts. We can make a difference for the Kingdom through strategic times of prayer, encouraging one another while hearing and following God's leading. There truly is power in prayer and the gathering of praying women availeth much. We were not meant to go through this life alone.

Lead a Team
Let us help you launch your own prayer team. We want each woman to be a part of a group of united women for Jesus Christ that each is connected with that knows they can always count on for support in prayer at any given moment should a crisis or need arises in one's life. It is our goal to provide training along with resources to help you have a Prayer Team in your community.
Not a leader? You can still gather a group of friends within your community who can flow together, even within church body. We compliment Christian organizations and churches with our goal of bringing prayer and tapping in to one's gifts to flourish where you are.
We provide the "How To's" from the beginnings of creating a prayer team to hints and suggestions in how to run meetings, discovering individual's gifts and many ongoing resources to guide you in the phases of starting and maintaining a Holy Spirit-led team that can make a difference for God's Kingdom.
iRefresh Gatherings
iRefresh Prayer Team Kits

We long for each woman to be an integral part of a group of united women for Jesus Christ. One that always connects you should you need prayer support at any given moment. It is our goal to provide you training and resources to create your own Prayer Team in your community or church. We compliment Christian organizations and churches with our goal of encouraging prayer and tapping into one anothers gifts to flourish right where you are.
Not a member yet? Connect with us!

We are excited about what God is doing to draw us in with one heart and in one accord to pray and encourage each other in our journey with Jesus Christ. We are glad that you are prayerfully considering allowing your talents to be used within this ministry. Simply download the application file below and email/mail back to us.

Upon completing the application, you can email it to:
or mail to:
iRefresh Ministries, Inc.
8654 S Norwood Avenue Tulsa, OK 74137